lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

English Publishers

Objective pet:
- level: pre intermediate
- pages: 208
- colors: green, yellow and Light blue
- authors: Louise Hashemi ; Barbara Thomas
- level: universitary
- pages:112
- colors: brown with yellow
- authors: Mark Ibbotson

English file:
- level: Intermediate
- pages: 80
- colors: black, white and green
- authors: Christine Latham – Koeing and Paul S.
- level: Upper - intermediate
- pages: 144
- colors: Grey and purple
- authors: Liz and Joane Soars

- level: Begginers
- pages: 136
- colors: orange and white

Super star:
- level: Begginers
- pages: 124
- colors: blue and green

Diccionaries on internet
- Freetranslation: This diccionary translate very well to other languajes and you can listen it.
- Reverso: This diccionary translate spanish to english, and english to spanish. This page give you examples and conjugations in english.


EFL is learn english in a place where english isn`t spoken. The english is an foreing languaje.
ESL is learn a secundary english in other country because this person only speak the primary english.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

'As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live'

This quote tries the confidence in yourself. This goes connected with challenges and obstacles one has to live day by day, because if you have confidence in yourself, you going to live with security, independence, and be able to face settings of uncertainty. But if a person is insecure she going to have very low self-esteem and will think always in which they think the others of her. I think that the equilibrium is have a good self-esteem to be able to achieve confidence and also the people managed to trust in you. The confidence is a process that goes acquiring through the time and goes reinforcing with actions and results, that are aforesaid in the form of thinking, to feel and to act of a person.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Fixing mistakes IV

The resurrection

After Jesus died in the cross to save us and to free us of our sin. To the third day he resurrects of the dead persons. The first that knew that the tomb was empty were María Magdalena, Salomé, Juana and María (Jesus`s mother). Then they went to tell them to the others, except María Magdalena that decided to stayed there. She was crying when suddenly appeared Jesus and he told her that she didn`t cry. Jesus had resurrected.Currently the Catholics celebrate the resurrection with eucharists and traditions, but this comes from long before. Because the Jews celebrated the “Pesaj” in which they celebrated the transition from slavery to the freedom. Jesus, until was 33 years old celebrate this festival because he was a Jew.

After Jesus died in the cross to save us and free us of our sin. The third day he resurrects of the dead persons. The first knew the tomb was empty were María Magdalena, Salomé, Juana and María (Jesus`s mother). Then they went to tell them to the others, except María Magdalena that decided to stayed there. She was crying when suddenly appeared Jesus and he told her that she didn`t cry. Jesus had resurrected.Currently the Catholics celebrate the resurrection with eucharists and traditions, but this comes from long before. Because the Jews celebrated the “Pesaj” in which they celebrated the transition from slavery to the freedom. Jesus, until was 33 years old celebrate this festival because he was a Jew.

Fixing mistakes III

Chile`s reconstruction

After the earthquake of the early morning of February 27, Some houses of Chile were destroyed product of the bad construction. For this a national fund of reconstruction was originated, a law of donations, and also the government will enlarge the overseeing of taxes to the real estate projects to avoid new collapses. Besides many people went to build huts to the most affected zones for collaborated with the cause. Some they say that this process of reconstruction will delay 3 0 4 years, but a great truth exist : Chile should remain united in the worst moments.

After the earthquake of the early morning of February 27, Some houses of Chile were destroyed product bad construction. For this a national fund of reconstruction was originated, a law of donations, and also the government will enlarge the overseeing of taxes to the real estate projects avoid new collapses. Besides many people went to build huts to the most affected zones for collaborated with the cause.Some they say this process of reconstruction will delay 3 0 4 years, but a great truth exist : Chile should remain united in the worst moments.

Fixing mistakes II

My biggest dream

One of my biggest dreams is finish the school with an excellent average, obtain good score in the PSU to enter to the Catholic university or the university of Chile and study medicine, and then to specialize me abroad to transform into a recognized neurologist. Also I would like to become independent. Later arrive at Chile to work, to marry me and to have a happy family.One of the things that more I would like to do after receiving me and to have my profession is help my family just as they helped me and they supported me.

One of my biggest dreams is finish the school with an excellent average, obtain good score in the PSU to enter the Catholic university or the university of Chile and study medicine, and then specialize me abroad to transform into a recognized neurologist. Also I would like become independent. Later arrive at Chile to work, marry me and have a happy family.One of the things that more I would like to do after receiving me and have my profession is help my family just as they helped me and supported me.

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

The fixing mistakes I

If I had superpowers, I would like to return me invisible, fly and have the control of the time. I would like to be invisible because I would disappear at any moment and to appear in another without people    see me. Fly, because I would like to arrive flying to a side and help the people. And have the control of the time, because I would be go back, advance or to put pause to the moments that interest me more.
I think that  the superpowers are something almost impossible but at the same time fantastic, because all we like the idea to be heroes and save the world.

If I had superpowers, I would like to be invisible, fly and have the control of the time. I would like to be invisible because I would disappear at any moment and to appear in another without people can see me. Fly, because I would like arrive flying to a side and help the people. Also  have the control of the time, because I would go back, advance or put pause to the moments that interest me more.
I think that the superpowers are something almost impossible but at the same time fantastic, because all we like the idea to be heroes and save the world.