viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Is renewable energy an important topic today?

Yes is very important, Because ensure a lower environmental impact, pollution and damage to human health.
Another important point is there is little development in these new technologies for generating energy from renewable resources (solar, wind, hidroelectric, etc.) given their high implementation costs, and lower efficiency.
On the other side one must remembre the challenge of energy supplies required for the development of the country in 20 years, there is a critical lack of planning in the energy matrix in the last 30 years and modern legislation (countries developed) to ensure good image of our institutional foreign companies wishing to invest in Chile in this sector.
The question we ask today is who will assume the cost of implementing these renewable technologies? Are the users in their electricity bills or the government through subsidies? Or both? Or the environmentalists as OCEANA who pay these high costs? These are the questions most people ask. That could be resolved through a debate or a government commission setting out these problems and possible solutions.

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