lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

distrit 9

1. The aliens were move out.
2. The ‘’gambas’’ wanted to go home since 20 years ago, so they were working to make their dream come true
3. Niggerian people were taking advantage of the situation
4. Alien `s technology were most advance that the human technology

We choose this topic ‘cause is a different topic, where we can talk about something like a friendship between te alien and the human, cause they helped each other in the course of the movie. We really think a friendship is the most important thing that a person can have. Friends will always be to help us no matter what.
Well, in the movie, the aliens, called ‘’gambas’’ wanted to go home since 20 years. The principal ‘’gamba’’, Christopher were making a weird liquid to save his race who were strongly threatened by the human race. Wikus, a human who were becoming a ‘’gamba’’ was helped by Christopher and Christopher asked to Wikus for help to come back to his planet. It was a difficult because they are affected by humans who were looking for Wikus.
Then wikus hid on Christopher house’s but Nigerian people realize that wikus had an alien arm so they take him to see their leader and he wanted to eat wikus arm.
After this wikus managed to escape from Nigerian people.
Wikus had to front human people while Christopher and his son were escaping to their planet on the mothership. Later Christopher returned to help Wikus and promised him that he will come back on three years to help him.

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

Who's had the biggest influence on your life?

Well, I can not choose just one person has been a great influence on my life. Many people have been a great influence on me, por example my sister, my friends, my grandparents, etc; But I have to choose only 2 people already mentioned in previous posts, my parents. Both have been an example of effort and improvement for me. I learned a lot from them, how live life, etc. They give me unconditional support everything.Together they complement and values taught me, educated me, take care of me, taught me to appreciate what I have, and strive and fight for what I want.
My mother is a great person, she is a responsable, hardworking, feisty, concerned, attentive and counselor. She helps me when I have problems I can not solve by myself. My father is a hardworker, creative, wrestler, inventor of things, always teaches me new things.
My parents are more than an influence, my parents are all in my life, and they are always going to be, in good times, bad times and the worst. That`s why I love them.

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

What historical figure do you most identify with?

I choose Javiera Carrera because I feel I look like her on some things.
She was who participated in the independence process, with a mentality change.
She was the one who created the first flag of Chile, and she was so creative as me.
Her character was strong and dominant, such she dominate her brothers and encourage them to make this move for independence.
Javiera Carrera was a very ambitious person, I'm such a bit ambitious because I like to aspire high and get what I want.
People said thet she was very determined, smart and passionate with her things.
For his strong personality she made his enemies, as was Bernardo O'Higgins. Also I think I have a strong character and sometimes isn`t in my favor.
She was a very direct, because when something or someone did not like what he said and proved it. I'm just in that aspect because when I don`t like something I say it.
Conclude I would say that only a few things I feel like Javiera Carrera, but not in others, such as the revolutionary feeling that she has.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

From which person have you learned most in your life?

In my life I have learned from too many people, but specially of two people: my parents.
Because they are who always give me advice and help me when I have problems. They are who make me see life differently, They put my limits and I have learned a lot.Although there are times when we fight, they are still my parents and I am his daughter.
I have learned from them because they are persons who work hard, and without them I wouldn`t have education. That's why I admire them.
They lived more than I, so that`s why they understand me when I have problems because probably they went through the same thing. I have learned from their lives and all the things they have done for me and my sister.

I think no one teaches you to be a mom or dad, there are no perfect parents, but they are the best in the world and always they will be help me.

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Is renewable energy an important topic today?

Yes is very important, Because ensure a lower environmental impact, pollution and damage to human health.
Another important point is there is little development in these new technologies for generating energy from renewable resources (solar, wind, hidroelectric, etc.) given their high implementation costs, and lower efficiency.
On the other side one must remembre the challenge of energy supplies required for the development of the country in 20 years, there is a critical lack of planning in the energy matrix in the last 30 years and modern legislation (countries developed) to ensure good image of our institutional foreign companies wishing to invest in Chile in this sector.
The question we ask today is who will assume the cost of implementing these renewable technologies? Are the users in their electricity bills or the government through subsidies? Or both? Or the environmentalists as OCEANA who pay these high costs? These are the questions most people ask. That could be resolved through a debate or a government commission setting out these problems and possible solutions.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Embed your song

Never say never - the fray

Some things we don't talk about
better do without
and just hold a smile
falling in and out of love
a scene their proud of
together all the while

You can never say never while we don't know it
time and time again
younger now then we were before

dont let me go, dont let me go, dont let me go
dont let me go, dont let me go, dont let me go

Picture you're the queen of everything
as far as the eye can see
under your command
I will be your guardian from all that's coming down
steady your hand

You can never say never while we don't know it
time time and time again
younger now then we were before
dont let me go, dont let me go, dont let me go
dont let me go, dont let me go, dont let me go.

We're falling apart,
we're coming together,
again and again
we're crawling apart,
but we're falling together,
falling together
together again

don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go. (oh oh oh)
don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go. (ohhhh ohhh)
don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go. (ohhh ohhh)
don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go.(ohohhohhh)

one day - matisyahu

sometimes I lay
under the moon
and thank God I'm breathing
then I pray
don't take me soon
cause I am here for a reason
sometimes in my tears I drown
but I never let it get me down
so when negativity surrounds
I know some day it'll all turn around

all my life I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
for the people to say
that we don't wanna fight no more
they'll be no more wars
and our children will play

one day x6
it's not about
win or lose
we all lose
when they feed on the souls of the innocent
blood drenched pavement
keep on moving though the waters stay raging
in this maze you can lose your way (your way)
it might drive you crazy but don't let it faze you no way (no way)

sometimes in my tears I drown
but I never let it get me down
so when negativity surrounds
I know some day it'll all turn around
all my life I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
for the people to say
that we don't wanna fight no more
they'll be no more wars
and our children will play
one day x6

one day this all will change
treat people the same
stop with the violence
down with the hate
one day we'll all be free
and proud to be
under the same sun
singing songs of freedom like
one day x4

all my life I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
for the people to say
that we don't wanna fight no more
they'll be no more wars
and our children will play
one day x6


iris - gogo golls

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am.

see you soon - coldplay

So you lost your trust
And you never should have
And you never should have
But don't break your back
If you ever hear this
But don't answer that
In a bullet proof vest
With the windows all closed
I'll be doing my best
And I'll see you soon
In a telescope lens
And when all you want is friends
I'll see you soon

So they came for you
They came snapping at your heels
They come snapping at your heels
But don't break your back
If you ever hear this
But don't answer that

Cause in a bullet proof vest
With the windows all closed
I'll be doing my best
And I'll see you soon

In a telescope lens
And when all you want is friends
I'll see you soon
Ah Ooooh

And oh, you lost your trust
And oh, you lost your trust
No, don't lose your trust
And oh, you lost your trust

Fly away from here - aerosmith

Gotta find a way
Yeah, I can't wait another day
And nothin' gonna change
If we stay around here
Gotta do what it takes
Cause all in our hands,
We all make mistakes, yeah
But it's never too late to start again
Take another breath
And say another prayer

Then fly away from here
Yeah, I don't care
We'll just fly away from here
Our hopes and dreams are out there somewhere
Won't let time pass us by
We'll just fly

If this life
Gets any harder now
It ain't no nevermind
You got me by your side
And anytime you want
Yeah, we can catch a train and find a better place
Yeah, cause we won't let nothin' or no one keep gettin' us down
Maybe you and I
Could pack our bags and hit the sky

Then fly away from here
Yeah, I don't care
We'll just fly away from here
Our hopes and dreams are out there somewhere
Won't let time pass us by
We'll just fly

Do you see a bluer sky now
You can have a better life now
Open your eyes
Cause no one here can ever stop us
They can try but we won't let them
No way

Maybe you and I
Could pack our bags and say goodbye

Then fly away from here
Honey, I don't care
We'll just fly away from here
Our hope and dreams are out there somewhere
Fly away from here
Yeah, anywhere
Honey, I don't, I don't, I don't care

We'll just fly away

viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Why is Alberto Hurtado so important in Chile?

I think Alberto Hurtado was very important for Chile because he made awareness of the needs of poorer people and he help them. Father He also founded workshops to educate and train a decent work to the needy people.
Alberto Hurtado is the founder of Hogar de Cristo from sick people, poor or abandoned children who slept under bridges Mapocho River.
He was also a spiritual director of many young people for contribute to the formation of more lay Christians.
In Chile we consider Alberto Hurtado the patron of workers because it was he who watched over them. For example when he helped the stitching of shorts.
He is a pride for Chile because it is one of our unique holy.
Finally I would like to say Father Hurtado was a great person and helped many people without expecting anything in return.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

What do you think about extreme sports?

In my opion I think the extreme sports are so dangerous because they are not safe. You can die or have sequels because the person is in constant danger.
Also extreme sports are very expensive because the cost of life insurance, special costume, and classes are very high.
There are different types of extreme deports some are develop in water, on land and in air.

Most extreme sports are developed by men because few women dare to practice these sports as high risk
If I had to practice some extreme sport I would do diving, I don`t know if it is so risky but I think it should be entertaining. Another extreme sport I like to play is the bungee jump because I think it should be fun and exciting.

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010



-serenaded gondola rides including
-visit dolmitas (mountain)

-enjoy a sunset over the Ponte Vecchio
-visit the Museum dell'Opera del Duomo

-visit Vittorio Emanuele galleries
-visist the great cathedral.


-you can visit Gatineau river
-Charlevoix, is a natural and historic place.

-visit Ungava bahia
-visit and james bahía

-visit the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in the provincial capital, Toronto.
-you ca visit kingston.

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Do you like piercings?

I don`t like a lot of the piercing because I think that when you have to remove it a scar remained you and I'm afraid that can infect. Also you have to keep it, the hoop should be changed from time to time, or sometimes you can hit you in your piercing.
But I accept the most of people who use piercing because I believe they have their own style.
But also there are people who use too many piercings and they don`t look well, they look freaky and coarse.
In my opion I think there are piercings more beautiful or look better than others. But this will depend on the person and they inclinations because all don`t have the same tastes.

jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

The enviroment

The enviroument is a theme very complicated for our society, because we are polluting all our nature, with the tecnology and all the advancements for a easlily life, as with industries, deodorants, telephones, electricity, and others, yeah, with this we do something easier life, as in wanting to communicate with people from far, but ... do not you think that we are destroying our planet?

I think that is so useless all this tecnology if we are destroying our planet, because for wanting to live comfortably, maybe we are losing our healthy life, and even killingn the little animals or insects.

For that exists now, a lot of groups that seek a better enviroment, as green peace that is a very famous group that try to safe ourselves and the enviroment.

But don`t you think that can you start helping first? Because yeah, may have many support groups for the environment. But if you put your little bit you can stop the global warming and safe your own life, the enviroment.

Save some energy off the light when you're not using, do not buy deodorants that affect our ozone layer, never leave the water running and try not to throw your trash on the ground, with that and you'll be contributing to a better environment.

lunes, 26 de julio de 2010


Romeo and Juliet
Edipo rey
- ·Romeo and Juliet
·William Shakespeare
·Romeo Montesco
Julieta Capuleto
Fray Lorenzo
Tibaldo Capuleto
· This is a history of two young lovers who, despite opposition from their famalies, competing among themselves, decide to fight for her life to be married in a clandestine manner, without. But the pressure of that rivaly and a series fatalities leads to suicide of two.
- ·Hamlet
·William Shakespeare
Claudio, the king of Dinamarca
Gertrudis, the queen of Dinamarca
· This is the history of how the prince Hamlet takes out his revenger on his uncle Claudio who kill the Hamlet`s father, the king, usurped the crown and holds and marriage Gertrudis, Hamlet`s mother. The work outlines vividly about the madness and y the passage of the bondless deep sorrow to anger.
- ·Edipo
·Edipo was son of the king of Tebas. When he born the oracle said to his father: When Edipo is adult he will kill you and firing your wife. Layo decided to hires someone to kill his son. But the subdit took pity on edipo and abandoned in the bush Citeron hung upside down and drilled in the tree. Then a shepherd found him and hand it to the king Polibo. The queen Peribea raised him and named him Edipo because he have swolled feet.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010


1.Only Hope - Switchfoot
Album: New Way To Be Human

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write
over and over again
I'm awake and in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and
over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope

Sing to me of the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have
for me over again

I give You my apathy
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back

- Lady gaga
- The fame monster
- Lyrics

I know that we are young
And I know that you may love me
But I just can't be with you like this

Oh (oh, oh, oh)
Oh (oh, oh, oh)
She's got both hands
In her pocket
And she wont look at you
Won't look at you
She hides through love
A super seal
She got a halo around her finger
Around you

You know that I love you boy
Hot like Mexico, rejoice
At this point I gotta choose
Nothing to loose

Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando

Don't wanna kiss
Don't wanna touch
Just smoke one cigarette more
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto



She's not broken
She's just a baby
But, her boyfriend's like a dad
Just like a dad
Draw those flames that burn before him

Now he's gonna find a fight
Gonna fool the dad

You know that I love you boy
Hot like Mexico, rejoice
At this point I gotta choose
Nothing to loose

Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando

Don't wanna kiss
Don't wanna touch
Just smoke one cigarette more
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto



Don't bother me
Don't bother me, Alejandro
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, bye Fernando

I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Alejandro
Don't wanna kiss
Don't wanna touch, Fernando

Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando

Don't wanna kiss
Don't wanna touch
Just smoke one cigarette more
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto



Don't call my name (Alejandro)
Don't call my name (Alejandro), Alejandro
I'm not your babe (Ale-Ale-jandro)
I'm not your babe (Ale-Ale-jandro), Fernando

Don't wanna kiss (Alejandro)
Don't wanna touch (Alejandro)
Just smoke one cigarette more
Don't call my name (Ale-Ale-jandro)
Don't call my name (Ale-Ale-jandro), Roberto

3.Don`t wanna miss a thing
- Aerosmith
- Armageddon
- Lyrics

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing,
Watch you smile while you are sleeping,
While you are far away and dreaming,
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender,
I could stay lost in this moment forever,
Where a moment spent with you is a moment I treasure,

I don't want to close my eyes, I don't want to fall asleep,
Cause I miss you baby, and I don't want to miss a thing,
Cause even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do,
I still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating,
And I wondering what you are dreaming,
Wondering if it's me you are seeing,
Then I kiss your eyes and thank god we're together,
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever and forever forever


And I don't want to miss one smile,
I don't want to miss one kiss,
I just want to be with you right here with you,
Just like this, I just want to hold you close,
I feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment,
For all of the rest of time

When I look at you
- Miley Cyrus
- The time of our lives

Everybody need inspiration,
Everybody needs a soul
The buetiful melody
When the nights alone

Cause there is no garuntee
That this life is easy...

Yea when I water sprouting apart
When theres no light to break up
The Darkness, thats
When I.. I I I Look at you

When the waves
are flooding the shore and i can't
find my way home anymore
thats when I... I I look at you....

When I look At You I see forgiveness
I see the trutth You love me for who i am
Like the stars Hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I Know I'm Not Alone.

Yea when I water sprouting apart
When theres no light to break up
The Darkness, thats
When I.. I I I Look at you

When the waves
are flooding the shore and i can't
find my way home anymore
thats when I... I I look at you....

You appear just like a dream to me
Just like Kolidoscope colors that
Cover Me, All i need every
breath that i breath don't you know
Your buetiful ...

Yea Yea Yea

When the waves
are flooding the shore and i can't
find my way home anymore
thats when I... I I.... look at you....

Yea Yea Oh OH OH

And you appear Just like a dream
to meee.

5.Better together
Jack Johnson
album: In between dreams.

There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song that I could sing
But I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
Like a, shoebox of photographs
With sepiatone loving
Love is the answer,
At least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
Sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing it's always better when we're together

MMM it's always better when we're together
Yeah, we'll look at them stars when we're together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together

And all of these moments
Just might find their way into my dreams tonight
But I know that they'll be gone
When the morning light sings
And brings new things
For tomorrow night you see
That they'll be gone too
Too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find their way
Into my day to day scene
I'd be under the impression
I was somewhere in between
With only two
Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do
Or places we got to be
We'll Sit beneath the mango tree now

It's always better when we're together
Mmmm, we're somewhere in between together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together

MMmmmm MMMmmmm Mmmmmm
I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
You look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
And there is no, no song I could sing
And there is no, combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing
We're better together.

6.Thank you
Alaniss morissette
album: the collection

how bout getting off these antibiotics
how bout stopping eating when I'm full up
how bout them transparent dangling carrots
how bout that ever elusive kudo

thank you india
thank you terror
thank you disillusionment
thank you frailty
thank you consequence
thank you thank you silence

how bout me not blaming you for everything
how bout me enjoying the moment for once
how bout how good it feels to finally forgive you
how bout grieving it all one at a time

thank you india
thank you terror
thank you disillusionment
thank you frailty
thank you consequence
thank you thank you silence

the moment I let go of it was the moment
I got more than I could handle
the moment I jumped off of it
was the moment I touched down

how bout no longer being masochistic
how bout remembering your divinity
how bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out
how bout not equating death with stopping

thank you india
thank you providence
thank you disillusionment
thank you nothingness
thank you clarity
thank you thank you silence



1. Ghetto: Is a part of a city where people of a particular race or class, especially people who are poor, live separately from the rest of the people in the city. This word is sometimes considered offensive.

Is a part of a city where Jews were forced to live in the past.

2. Nigger: the third longest river in Africa, flowing through Mali, Niger, and Nigeria
a large country in West Africa, south of Algeria and north of Nigeria. Much of the land is desert.

3. Discrimination: The practice of treating one person or group differently from another in an unfair way.

The ability to recognize the difference between two or more things, especially the difference in their quality.

4. Segregation: When people of different races, sexes, or religions are kept apart so that they live, work, or study separately.

5. Ebonics: A type of English spoken by some African-Americans.

6. Immigration: The process of entering another country in order to live there permanently.

7. Integration: The combining of two or more things so that they work together effectively.

The process of getting people of different races to live and work together instead of separately.

8. Opportunity: a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something.

9. Empower: to give someone more control over their own life or situation.

10. Take over: to take control of something, especially an organization or a country.

11. Overcome: to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something.

II. 1- One of the most popular ghetto was the Varsovie ghetto.
2- On my holidays I will go to the Nigger river.
3- In Chile the discrimination was low very much
4- I don't like the segregation in this world!
5- The Ebonics language is very difficult
6- I don`t like very much the inmigrations 
7- The integration in this school is the worst 
8- In this opportunity I don`t have the holidays 
9- The president has empower to his son
10- The president take over yesterday in this country
11- I was overcome my brother
1.-Its objective is to identify, prosecute and deport 
                 illegal immigrants.
           - breach of immigration documents a crime and give police wide powers to detain                                anyone suspected of being illegally in the country.
           - The law opens a deep crevasse in Arizona, with a majority of the thousands of people                        who call the governor's office asking him to reject it.
2. The most affected is the illegally inmigrants. 
3. No, because all people need one chance to find one decent job. 

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

World Cup

Germany 2006
June 9th - July 9th .

3 stadiums: · Allianz Arena, Múnich.
· Olimpic Stadium, Berlin.
· Fritz- Walter- Stadion, Kaiserslautern.

3 teams: · France.
· Germany.
· Portugal.

Champion: Italy.


Pet: Goleo

South Corea and Japon
May 31st - June 30th .

3 Stadiums: · Busan Asiad Main Stadium, Busan.
· Kashima Stadium, Ibaraki.
· Stadium Big Swan, Niigata.

3 Teams: · Germany
· Turkey
· South Corea

Champion: Brazil

Pet: Spheriks

France 1998
June 10 th - July 12 th

3 Stadiums: · Stade de Toulouse, Toulouse.
· Stade Geoffroy-Guichard, Saint-Étienne.
· Stade de France, Saint-Denis.

3 Teams: · Brazil.
· Croatia.
· Netherlands.

Champion: France.


Pet: Footix.

United States 1994
June 17th - July 17th.

3 Stadiums: · Foxborough, MA, Boston.
· Chicago, IL, Chicago.
· Pontiac, MI, Detroit.

3 Teams: · Italy.
· Sweden.
· Bulgaria

Champion: Brazil


Pet: Striker.

Italy 1990
June 8 th – July 8 th .

3 Stadiums: · Stadio Marcantonio Bentegodi, Verona.
· Stadio Friuli, Udine.
· Stadio delle Alpi, Turín.

3 Teams: · Argentina.
· Italy.
· England.

Champion: Germany.


Pet: Ciao


Ten speaking conutries and its festivities

1. Botswana
september 30,independence day. they celebrate with culturals acts, with
representations and dances. They make a demostration and parade.

2. Canadá
july 1st, indpendence day. There`s they celebrated in the grownd of the
national parlament blocks and paradea.

3. Jamaica
August 6, independence day. In this day, they eat meat dishes, fish,
vegetables, millet and sorghum, theirs tipical food.

4. Nueva Zelanda
February 6, independence day. they celebrate the domain of teh britanic empire.

5. Filipinas
June 12, independence day. Become independent from usa.

6. Pakistan
March 23, independence day. Civil disobedience campaign of the military regime of
Zia ul-Haq.

7. Sudáfrica
April 17, independence day
obtained the sovereignty and which nation, empire, or trusteeship. Legends.

8. Malawi
July 6, independence day.
Beautiful dances performed at festivals and shows its great importance to music
in its cultural scope.

9. Costa rica
September 15, independence day.
It is a big celebration, sound speakers, with cymbals, drums, trumpets, cymbals,
violins, harps, marimbas, extras, color clothing for all provinces and cities,
with large marches in rows children

10. Honduras
September 15, independence day. The islanders are a celebration in their
respective islands, where they sing, dance and cultural events are being all
together for this great pary, the day of independence

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

English Publishers

Objective pet:
- level: pre intermediate
- pages: 208
- colors: green, yellow and Light blue
- authors: Louise Hashemi ; Barbara Thomas
- level: universitary
- pages:112
- colors: brown with yellow
- authors: Mark Ibbotson

English file:
- level: Intermediate
- pages: 80
- colors: black, white and green
- authors: Christine Latham – Koeing and Paul S.
- level: Upper - intermediate
- pages: 144
- colors: Grey and purple
- authors: Liz and Joane Soars

- level: Begginers
- pages: 136
- colors: orange and white

Super star:
- level: Begginers
- pages: 124
- colors: blue and green

Diccionaries on internet
- Freetranslation: This diccionary translate very well to other languajes and you can listen it.
- Reverso: This diccionary translate spanish to english, and english to spanish. This page give you examples and conjugations in english.


EFL is learn english in a place where english isn`t spoken. The english is an foreing languaje.
ESL is learn a secundary english in other country because this person only speak the primary english.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

'As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live'

This quote tries the confidence in yourself. This goes connected with challenges and obstacles one has to live day by day, because if you have confidence in yourself, you going to live with security, independence, and be able to face settings of uncertainty. But if a person is insecure she going to have very low self-esteem and will think always in which they think the others of her. I think that the equilibrium is have a good self-esteem to be able to achieve confidence and also the people managed to trust in you. The confidence is a process that goes acquiring through the time and goes reinforcing with actions and results, that are aforesaid in the form of thinking, to feel and to act of a person.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Fixing mistakes IV

The resurrection

After Jesus died in the cross to save us and to free us of our sin. To the third day he resurrects of the dead persons. The first that knew that the tomb was empty were María Magdalena, Salomé, Juana and María (Jesus`s mother). Then they went to tell them to the others, except María Magdalena that decided to stayed there. She was crying when suddenly appeared Jesus and he told her that she didn`t cry. Jesus had resurrected.Currently the Catholics celebrate the resurrection with eucharists and traditions, but this comes from long before. Because the Jews celebrated the “Pesaj” in which they celebrated the transition from slavery to the freedom. Jesus, until was 33 years old celebrate this festival because he was a Jew.

After Jesus died in the cross to save us and free us of our sin. The third day he resurrects of the dead persons. The first knew the tomb was empty were María Magdalena, Salomé, Juana and María (Jesus`s mother). Then they went to tell them to the others, except María Magdalena that decided to stayed there. She was crying when suddenly appeared Jesus and he told her that she didn`t cry. Jesus had resurrected.Currently the Catholics celebrate the resurrection with eucharists and traditions, but this comes from long before. Because the Jews celebrated the “Pesaj” in which they celebrated the transition from slavery to the freedom. Jesus, until was 33 years old celebrate this festival because he was a Jew.

Fixing mistakes III

Chile`s reconstruction

After the earthquake of the early morning of February 27, Some houses of Chile were destroyed product of the bad construction. For this a national fund of reconstruction was originated, a law of donations, and also the government will enlarge the overseeing of taxes to the real estate projects to avoid new collapses. Besides many people went to build huts to the most affected zones for collaborated with the cause. Some they say that this process of reconstruction will delay 3 0 4 years, but a great truth exist : Chile should remain united in the worst moments.

After the earthquake of the early morning of February 27, Some houses of Chile were destroyed product bad construction. For this a national fund of reconstruction was originated, a law of donations, and also the government will enlarge the overseeing of taxes to the real estate projects avoid new collapses. Besides many people went to build huts to the most affected zones for collaborated with the cause.Some they say this process of reconstruction will delay 3 0 4 years, but a great truth exist : Chile should remain united in the worst moments.

Fixing mistakes II

My biggest dream

One of my biggest dreams is finish the school with an excellent average, obtain good score in the PSU to enter to the Catholic university or the university of Chile and study medicine, and then to specialize me abroad to transform into a recognized neurologist. Also I would like to become independent. Later arrive at Chile to work, to marry me and to have a happy family.One of the things that more I would like to do after receiving me and to have my profession is help my family just as they helped me and they supported me.

One of my biggest dreams is finish the school with an excellent average, obtain good score in the PSU to enter the Catholic university or the university of Chile and study medicine, and then specialize me abroad to transform into a recognized neurologist. Also I would like become independent. Later arrive at Chile to work, marry me and have a happy family.One of the things that more I would like to do after receiving me and have my profession is help my family just as they helped me and supported me.

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

The fixing mistakes I

If I had superpowers, I would like to return me invisible, fly and have the control of the time. I would like to be invisible because I would disappear at any moment and to appear in another without people    see me. Fly, because I would like to arrive flying to a side and help the people. And have the control of the time, because I would be go back, advance or to put pause to the moments that interest me more.
I think that  the superpowers are something almost impossible but at the same time fantastic, because all we like the idea to be heroes and save the world.

If I had superpowers, I would like to be invisible, fly and have the control of the time. I would like to be invisible because I would disappear at any moment and to appear in another without people can see me. Fly, because I would like arrive flying to a side and help the people. Also  have the control of the time, because I would go back, advance or put pause to the moments that interest me more.
I think that the superpowers are something almost impossible but at the same time fantastic, because all we like the idea to be heroes and save the world.

martes, 27 de abril de 2010

If I had superpowers

If I had superpowers, I would like to return me invisible, fly and have the control of the time. I would like to be invisible because I would disappear at any moment and to appear in another without people see me. Fly, because I would like to arrive flying to a side and help the people. And have the control of the time, because I would be go back, advance or to put pause to the moments that interest me more.
I think that the superpowers are something almost impossible but at the same time fantastic, because all we like the idea to be heroes and save the world.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

My biggest Dream

One of my biggest dreams is finish the school with an excellent average, obtain good score in the PSU to enter to the Catholic university or the university of Chile and study medicine, and then to specialize me abroad to transform into a recognized neurologist. Also I would like to become independent. Later arrive at Chile to work, to marry me and to have a happy family.
One of the things that more I would like to do after receiving me and to have my profession is help my family just as they helped me and they supported me.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Websites of news

This page corresponds to the chain of international news This agency of news the 24 hours this giving up-to-date news of the local middle and foreigner doing summaries each half an hour, with holders and interspersing reports to personalities of the public middle. It is characterized for being an objective, diverse middle and that does not show political tendencies. It has journalists in land reporting news. This page have information in sections like world, entertaiment, business, travel, tech, etc.

The New York Times
This page is an excellent entry of news that daily and minute to minute refreshes its information in sections. Besides it offers photos of greater circulation on the Internet.Is one of the main newspapers U.S. Has a similar format to that of the national newspapers as La tercera, El mercurio, etc. Has a head with information of the news of the day, videos, the most popular news and the most recent.
This page has a lot of text, few images, and there isn`t a lot of publicity.


Also it offers an interesting format in its presentation of news in the political environment, business, sport, entertainment, etc. It has information brought up to date minute to minute. Is a chain of British news that has national news, of America latin american, information of sciences and technology, economy, culture and company. Has videos and a version for cell phones, also news by e-mail and podcast.
This page has more images, a quantity of just text and is in Facebook.

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Chile`s reconstruction

After the earthquake of the early morning of February 27, Some houses of Chile were destroyed product of the bad construction. For this a national fund of reconstruction was originated, a law of donations, and also the government will enlarge the overseeing of taxes to the real estate projects to avoid new collapses. Besides many people went to build huts to the most affected zones for collaborated with the cause.
Some they say that this process of reconstruction will delay 3 0 4 years, but a great truth exist : Chile should remain united in the worst moments.

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

The pop music

In this paper I`m going to talk about of the pop music. The pop music is a kind of music Rock and roll, Jazz, Doo wop, Folck, and Dance. The pop word stem from “popular”, “popular music”.

Before the pop music was the opponent of the classical music, because the pop music was asocciated to the people of less culture. But later it was transformed into independent musical current.
The characteres of the pop music are:
- There is more focus in individual songs, and the objective is attract to the general public.
- There is more recording, production and technology.
- Their main element is the song, that lasting from 2 to 3 minutes. It have 32 compasses, sticky melodies and a chorus that highlights to the verse. And sometimes the songs have simple themes.
The subspecies are:
-Mainstream: Examples: Michael Jackson, Madonna, etc.
-Pop independent English: Examples: The police, U2, etc
-Pop independent Spanish: Examples: The planets, The pirates, etc.
-Pop latin American: Examples: Juanes, Shakira, etc.
-Pop traditional: Examples: voice, guitar, etc.

Finally I conclude that the pop music as opposed to other music, and in spite of all they say that is music bottled, has greater popularity and sticky songs. In my opinion the texts are very good and happy.

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

The resurrection

After Jesus died in the cross to save us and to free us of our sin. To the third day he resurrects of the dead persons. The first that knew that the tomb was empty were María Magdalena, Salomé, Juana and María (Jesus`s mother). Then they went to tell them to the others, except María Magdalena that decided to stayed there. She was crying when suddenly appeared Jesus and he told her that she didn`t cry. Jesus had resurrected.
Currently the Catholics celebrate the resurrection with eucharists and traditions, but this comes from long before. Because the Jews celebrated the “Pesaj” in which they celebrated the transition from slavery to the freedom. Jesus, until was 33 years old celebrate this festival because he was a Jew.

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

The resurrection

The morning after Jesus had been placed in the tomb, Mary Magdalene went to visit the tomb. She saw that the stone had been removed from the front of the tomb and that the tomb was empty. She ran to Peter to inform him what she had seen. Then, Peter and another Apostle, John, ran to the tomb to see for themselves. The body of Jesus was gone and the only thing left behind was the cloth that was used to wrap his body for the burial. The Apostles were confused, they did not understand what was happening. The Apostles returned to their homes. But Mary Magdalene remained by the tomb, crying. Then she turned and saw a man who asked her why she was crying. Mary Magdalene soon realized that the man who was talking to her was Jesus Christ. Jesus had risen from death. Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the resurrected Jesus.
Jesus died for our sins and our faith would be meaningless if there had been no resurrection.

domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

Getting fined by looting

After the earthquake of last febrary 27th, the people looted the supermarkerts and stole unnecessary things.
Days later there was some pictures of involved in the lootings of stores. then the public department took the tests to accuse these involved.
The most it published case in the newspapers is that of the engineer that was surprised involved in the lootings occurred later to the earthquake of last February 27, and decreed its custody.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph was a carpenter, a working man, a man of faith, social justiceis, and also he was a silent saint. He was obedient to whatever God asked of him without knowing the outcome.
When the angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him the truth about the child Mary was carrying, Joseph immediately and without question, took Mary as his wife. When the angel came again to tell him that his family was in danger, he immediately left everything he owned, all his family and friends, and fled to a strange country with his young wife and the baby. He waited in Egypt without question until the angel told him it was safe to go back.
Currently we celebrate two days for Joseph: March 19 for Joseph the Husband of Mary and May 1 for Joseph the Worker